Sunday, May 23, 2010

Fresh snow at 6000ft. Mile 370!

I'll be staying in with some coffee and flip-flopping around town.


  1. JEnny!
    You are doing great! Love to see the photos and read your description of the day! Glad your blisters are healing. Jake hs a big week in Portland. Monday bladder tests at Good Sam, Tuesday say speech in front of critics, Wed/Thur ADAPT and Thur PM speech class. The speech is coming along and in its final stages. The book is sweet as well! Jake is taking meds for the pain now and seems to be a bit better. We think of you every day and wonder how the trail is going! Keep rockin!
    Love ya,
    Margaret and Jake

  2. Ha ha! That outfit made me laugh. You are so cute. I love reading about all your adventures on the trail. You're inspiring me grab the kids and start hiking, albeit on a much smaller scale. Keep kickin' ass girl!
