Monday, May 24, 2010

The Detour of all Detours. May 24.

This year has been an incredibly heavy snow year in California, and we
had a good storm yesterday, luckily while we were in town and not at

This morning the rest of Team Zero is headed up Mt Baden Powell,
cresting at 9400ft and following approximately 8 miles of snowy ridge
line. I decided to avoid the snow this time, since without crampons
for my sneakers I am worried that Slippy Feet will make another
appearance and either endanger herself or the rest of the group.

Instead I will combine three detours in one: around Mt Baden Powell,
circumventing the endangered yellow-legged frog, and the burned-out
region of the Station Fire of 2009. This combination results in 47
miles of road walking and 16 miles of trail, of which about 8 are
actually on the official PCT. To be honest, I must admit that I really
like road walking. That fact usually stuns other hikers out here,
similar to my obsession with manmade structures on the trail--
windmills, mines, and dams.

This will put me ahead of schedule by almost two days now, and
arriving at "Hiker Heaven", the hiker oasis at the Saufleys house
later this week. I can't wait to get my new sneakers!


  1. Dean - Silver FoxMay 24, 2010 at 8:53 PM

    Hey Jen - is your schedule now going to change, or are you just going to spend extra days at Saufley's?

    Enjoy the NEW SHOES!!!

  2. i am glad you made that decision...i am also concerned about how your feet are doing..although your honeybunch assured me that is part of the program...

    take well...peter

  3. Awseome Jenny! You're quite the accomplished hiker WOMAN here! Yeah, two days ahead of schedule. I hope that means long baths, relaxing mornings and lushous meals of tons of calories, at least for the next 48 hours. We are at Maylhurst for the week so I get the old fashioned bathtub soak late at night! Jake is really seeing new strides in therapy. He can definitely feel air and some pressure on his feet now when I blow on them or massage. Cool! I think nerves are trying to wake up and make their presence known. Same with the energy and feelings in his legs when exercising. I guess the key here is to KEEP exercising! Enjoy the rest.
    Love ya and thinking of you every day,

  4. Great Blog. I've been reading Cubby and Boston's journal and found your's just today. Can't wait to read more. Have a great hike!
